The Art of Inquiry

Musings on Lean, Agile, Adaptive Process and Productivity in general

Browsing Posts in Favorite Reads » Chaos Theory

Books or other reading that has stimulated or influenced my thinking, or maybe that I just find rather enjoyable.

This was my introduction to complex adaptive systems, and the book that hooked me on the subject.

I came upon this book just after reading Fritof Capra’s book, “The web of life,” which focuses on complex adaptive systems.

This work fits right into Capra’s complex adaptive theory base. Highsmith’s metaphor of mountain climbing is an apt metaphor for product development, software or otherwise. When learning about Six Sigma or the Toyota Way, I see the theory bases described by Highsmith. This has become a primary resource of mine on project management, and the primary impetus for my focus on Adaptive Project Management.

I’ve read many books on agile, and while they are typically strong on process, they don’t do much to explain the underlying theory. Highsmith has clearly done his research in this regard.